Red Mahogany of Guillemard Road Open Space
Adenanthera malayana subsp malayana (HT 2023 323)
African Butter Tree (HT 2003 97)
Pseudalbizzia niopoides var niopoides (HT 2012 186)
Angsana (HT 2001 03)
Angsana (HT 2003 98)
Angsana (HT 2003 99)
Angsana (HT 2003 100)
Angsana (HT 2003 101)
Angsana (HT 2003 102)
Angsana (HT 2003 103)
Angsana (HT 2007 158)
Angsana (HT 2007 159)
Bangkal (HT 2015 247)
Baobab (HT 2016 283)
Belinjau (HT 2017 291)
Binjai (HT 2003 86)
Binjai (HT 2003 87)
Binjai (HT 2003 88)
Binjai (HT 2003 89)
Bodhi Tree (HT 2001 18)
Bodhi Tree (HT 2003 69)
Bodhi Tree (HT 2007 156)
Bodhi Tree (HT 2014 225)
Broad leafed Mahogany (HT 2003 118)
Broad leafed Mahogany (HT 2003 119)
Broad leafed Mahogany (HT 2003 120)
Broad leafed Mahogany (HT 2003 121)
Broad leafed Mahogany (HT 2003 129)
Broad leafed Mahogany (HT 2005 146)
Broad leafed Mahogany (HT 2005 149)
Broad leafed Mahogany (HT 2016 276)
Broad leafed Mahogany (HT 2017 286)
Brown Woolly Figs of Singapore Polytechnic
Burmese Banyan (HT 2009 174)
Burmese Banyan (HT 2011 184)
Cannon Ball Tree (HT 2014 230)
Cannon Ball Tree (HT 2017 289)
Chengal Pasir (HT 2015 246)
Chinese Laurel (HT 2013 211)
Chinese Olive (HT 2018 299)
Chittagong Wood (HT 2018 292)
Collared Fig (HT 2013 205)
Common Pulai (HT 2003 35)
Common Pulai (HT 2003 36)
Common Pulai (HT 2003 37)
Common Pulai (HT 2003 39)
Common Pulai (HT 2003 40)
Common Pulai (HT 2005 130)
Common Pulai (HT 2007 173)
Common Pulai (HT 2012 187)
Common Pulai (HT 2012 188)
Common Pulai (HT 2014 222)
Common Pulai (HT 2022 320)
Common Pulai (HT 2024 327)
Common Pulai (HT 2024 328)
Damar Hitam Gajah (HT 2003 113)
Derum (HT 2020 317)
Derum Selunchor (HT 2018 293)
Durian (HT 2007 154)
Earpod Tree (HT 2001 11)
Ficus stricta (HT 2003 71)
Ficus stricta (HT 2003 72)
Ficus stricta (HT 2003 73)
Ficus stricta (HT 2013 206)
Ficus stricta (HT 2013 207)
Giant Cola (HT 2014 229)
Hazel Sterculia (HT 2016 282)
Hazel Sterculia (HT 2019 307)
Horse Mango (HT 2003 90)
Horse Mango (HT 2014 227)
Inai Inai (HT 2003 52)
Indian Banyan (HT 2013 204)
Indian Rubber Tree (HT 2010 181)
Indian Rubber Tree (HT 2012 203)
Indian Rubber Tree (HT 2024 329)
Jamuju (HT 2012 191)
Jelawai Jaha (HT 2001 25)
Jelawai Jaha (HT 2003 124)
Jelawai Jaha (HT 2003 125)
Jelawai Jaha (HT 2022 322)
Jelutong (HT 2015 239)
Johor Fig (HT 2003 62)
Johor Fig (HT 2003 64)
Johor Fig (HT 2003 65)
Johor Fig (HT 2003 67)
Johor Fig (HT 2005 66)
Johor Fig (HT 2005 137)
Johor Fig (HT 2007 155)
Johor Fig (HT 2012 195)
Johor Fig (HT 2019 303)
Kapok (HT 2001 01)
Kapok (HT 2005 134)
Kapok (HT 2007 152)
Kapok (HT 2007 153)
Kapok (HT 2008 166)
Kapok (HT 2008 167)
Kapok (HT 2008 171)
Kapok (HT 2015 236)
Kapok (HT 2020 308)
Kapur (HT 2012 192)
Kapur (HT 2012 193)
Kapur (HT 2012 194)
Kayu Pontianak (HT 2013 208)
Kelat Hitam (HT 2003 128)
Kempas (HT 2015 243)
Kempas (HT 2016 280)
Kepayang (HT 2014 232)
Keruing Kerut (HT 2003 49)
Leban (HT 2003 126)
Leopard Tree (HT 2017 287)
Leopard Tree (HT 2018 298)
Longan (HT 2018 297)
Lychee (HT 2001 02)
Madras Thorn (HT 2001 04)
Madras Thorn (HT 2001 05)
Madras Thorn (HT 2001 06)
Madras Thorn (HT 2001 07)
Madras Thorn (HT 2008 164)
Madras Thorn (HT 2016 275)
Mango (HT 2016 274)
Mango (HT 2017 285)
Mango (HT 2020 312)
Mango (HT 2021 319)
Margaritaria indica (HT 2014 226)
Marsh Pulai (HT 2010 183)
Medang (HT 2005 139)
Mengkulang (HT 2012 196)
Mentulang Daun Lebar (HT 2013 210)
Meraga (HT 2016 281)
Merbatu (HT 2001 30)
Merbatu (HT 2001 31)
Mindanao Gum (HT 2003 53)
Monkey Pot Tree (HT 2011 185)
Monkey Pot Tree (HT 2013 214)
Monkey Pot Tree (HT 2013 215)
Mountain Teak (HT 2012 201)
Neem Tree (HT 2019 300)
Nemesu (HT 2015 245)
Neram (HT 2023 325)
Nutmegs of Singapore Botanic Gardens
Nyatoh Puteh (HT 2003 94)
Nyatoh Puteh (HT 2012 198)
Nyatoh Puteh (HT 2013 216)
Orange Jasmines of Fairy Point Chalet
Ordeal Tree (HT 2010 176)
Ordeal Tree (HT 2019 301)
Para Rubber (HT 2018 294)
Pauh Damar (HT 2015 240)
Penaga Laut (HT 2001 20)
Penaga Laut (HT 2003 46)
Penaga Laut (HT 2021 318)
Perepats of Pulau Ubin
Petai (HT 2003 95)
Petai Kerayong (HT 2001 17)
Petai Kerayong (HT 2005 141)
Pianggu (HT 2012 197)
Pink Mempat (HT 2020 309)
Pink Mempat (HT 2022 321)
Putat Laut (HT 2012 189)
Rain Tree (HT 2001 08)
Rain Tree (HT 2001 27)
Rain Tree (HT 2003 106)
Rain Tree (HT 2003 107)
Rain Tree (HT 2003 108)
Rain Tree (HT 2003 109)
Rain Tree (HT 2003 110)
Rain Tree (HT 2003 111)
Rain Tree (HT 2005 144)
Rain Tree (HT 2005 145)
Rain Tree (HT 2007 160)
Rain Tree (HT 2007 161)
Rain Tree (HT 2008 169)
Rain Tree (HT 2009 175)
Rain Tree (HT 2014 228)
Rain Tree (HT 2015 270)
Rain Trees of Connaught Drive
Red flowered Malayan Spindle Tree (HT 2003 44)
Red flowered Malayan Spindle Tree (HT 2023 324)
Red Mahogany of Guillemard Road Open Space
Red mahogany (HT 2010 182)
Saga (HT 2001 19)
Sausage Tree (HT 2013 213)
Sea Almond (HT 2017 290)
Sea Almond (HT 2020 316)
Sea Fig (HT 2003 74)
Sea Fig (HT 2003 75)
Sea Fig (HT 2003 76)
Sea Fig (HT 2003 77)
Sea Fig (HT 2003 78)
Sea Fig (HT 2003 79)
Sea Fig (HT 2008 168)
Sea Fig (HT 2016 284)
Sea Teak (HT 2017 288)
Seashore Mangosteen (HT 2003 81)
Selembat (HT 2020 314)
Senegal Mahogany (HT 2013 212)
Sentul (HT 2020 313)
Sindora × changiensis (HT 2003 115)
Snake Tree (HT 2013 219)
Sparrows' Mango (HT 2003 45)
Stem fruited Fig (HT 2014 221)
Stem fruited Fig (HT 2019 302)
Tahiti Chestnut (HT 2005 138)
Tamalan Tree (HT 2014 224)
Tamarind (HT 2001 28)
Tamarind (HT 2008 170)
Tamarind (HT 2018 295)
Tanjong Tree (HT 2003 93)
Tanjong Tree (HT 2019 304)
Teak (HT 2014 234)
Temak (HT 2013 218)
Tembusu (HT 2001 26)
Tembusu (HT 2003 54)
Tembusu (HT 2003 55)
Tembusu (HT 2003 57)
Tembusu (HT 2003 58)
Tembusu (HT 2003 59)
Tembusu (HT 2003 60)
Tembusu (HT 2003 61)
Tempinis (HT 2003 116)
Tempinis (HT 2003 117)
Terap (HT 2001 12)
Terap (HT 2014 223)
Terap (HT 2015 235)
Terap (HT 2016 279)
Thai Bungor (HT 2023 326)
Tulang Daing (HT 2001 22)
West Indian Locust Tree (HT 2003 84)
West Indian Locust Tree (HT 2014 231)
West Indian Mahogany (HT 2015 241)
White Fig (HT 2003 80)
Yellow Flame (HT 2005 142)
Yellow Flame (HT 2019 306)

Scientific name: Khaya nyasica
Family name: Meliaceae |
Guillemard Road Open Space |
A large tree that can grow up to 60m in its native environment. Trunk massive and straight, with buttresses. Bark is greyish-brown in colour. Leaves are compound, dark glossy green above and pale lighter green below, leaflets abour 17x7cm in size. Flowers are white in colour, sweet smell. Fruits are woody capsules, 3-5cm in diameter, splitting into 4-5 valves. Seeds are winged.
The Red Mahogany is native to Tropical Africa and was introduced to Singapore in the late 1970s. It produces small, white, sweet-scented flowers which then give way to tennis-ball size fruits. These fruits spilt open when ripe to release many flat brown winged seeds.
The surrounding area used to be a Malay settlement in the early 19th century which grew coconut plantations in the mid-1850s before cultivating lemongrass, hence the name Geylang Serai (Serai is Malay for lemongrass). The Geylang police post used to be situated here in the 1970s, before it was converted into a green space where these trees were planted. Red Mahogany trees are now uncommon in our landscape, and this cluster of four Heritage Trees serve as a reminder of our past floral heritage. This Heritage Tree had a girth of 2.9 m when measured in Year 2001.
For more information on this species, please refer to NParks Flora & Fauna Web profile here.