About Heritage Trees
What are Heritage Trees?
Heritage Trees are a special group of mature trees that represent the natural heritage of Singapore. Serving as important green landmarks of our City in Nature, these trees help to create a sense of permanence and identity to the place we call home. It takes decades and, in some cases, hundreds of years for these trees to mature gracefully and beautify our landscape.
Heritage Trees are typically more than 5 metres in girth and are noted for their botanical, historical, social, cultural and/or aesthetic value.
About the Heritage Tree Scheme
The Heritage Tree Scheme was started on 17 August 2001 by the National Parks Board to identify, recognise and conserve mature trees in our landscape. With Singapore's rapid development, it is increasingly important to conserve our natural heritage.
In support of this initiative, a Heritage Trees Fund was established with support from The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC), with a seed donation of $125,000. The Fund was used to initiate the conservation programme to safeguard Singapore's Heritage Trees and to promote appreciation of our natural heritage. Some of these programme initiatives include installation of lightning conductors, interpretive signages, and putting in place a nomination scheme for the community.
Did you know?

In 2016, a total of 22 Rain Trees at Connaught Drive were endorsed as Heritage Trees. This "Avenue of Heritage Trees" has the largest number of trees in a single avenue endorsed under the NParks' Heritage Tree Scheme.