HT Register (sorted by Location)
Central Region
Heritage Tree Names / Reference IDs | Location |
Adenanthera malayana subsp. malayana (HT 2023-323) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, Gallop Green |
African Butter Tree, Pentadesma butyracea (HT 2003-97) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, Healing Garden |
Albizia niopoides var. niopoides (HT 2012-186) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, Lawn E |
Angsana / Pterocarpus indicus (HT 2003-99) | Pender Road, within Danish Seamen's Church grounds |
Angsana / Pterocarpus indicus (HT 2003-101) | National Cancer Centre, Hospital Drive & Second Hospital Ave roundabout |
Angsana / Pterocarpus indicus (HT 2003-102) | Jalan Rumbia, near junction with Oxley Rise |
Angsana / Pterocarpus indicus (HT 2007-158) | Junction of Canterbury Road & Berkshire Road, on sloping ground |
Angsana / Pterocarpus indicus (HT 2007-159) | Winchester Road, within premises of House No. 6, Alexandra Park |
Bangkal / Nauclea orientalis (HT 2015-247) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, behind Foliage Garden |
Baobab / Adansonia digitata (HT 2016-283) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, near Melati Gate |
Belinjau / Gnetum gnemon (HT 2017-291) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, behind The Garage |
Binjai / Mangifera caesia (HT 2003-87) | Istana Ground |
Binjai / Mangifera caesia (HT 2003-89) | Spottiswoode Park Road, opposite Spottiswoode Apartments |
Bodhi Tree / Ficus religiosa (HT 2001-18) | Pearl's Hill City Park hilltop, near Service Reservoir gate |
Bodhi Tree / Ficus religiosa (HT 2003-69) | Duxton Plain Park, near Neil Road |
Bodhi Tree / Ficus religiosa (HT 2007-156) | Canterbury Road, on Stateland near Lamp Post 14 |
Bodhi Tree / Ficus religiosa (HT 2014-225) | Bendemeer Secondary School, roundabout near entrance |
Broad-leafed Mahogany / Swietenia macrophylla (HT 2016-276) | Tanglin Rd, near Hse No 287 |
Burmese Banyan / Ficus kurzii (HT 2009-174) | No. 162 Mount Pleasant Road, beside gate |
Burmese Banyan / Ficus kurzii (HT 2011-184) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, between Marsh Garden & Swan Lake |
Cannon Ball Tree / Couroupita guianensis (HT 2014-230) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, Ginger Gardens (behind waterfall) |
Cannon Ball Tree / Couroupita guianensis (HT 2017-289) | Tanglin Rd; 2nd Tree from gate of Hse. No. 249 |
Chengal Pasir / Hopea odorata (HT 2015-246) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, near Corner Walk |
Chinese Laurel / Antidesma bunius (HT 2013-211) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, Lawn H (near HT Sausage Tree) |
Chinese Olive / Canarium vulgare (HT 2018-299) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, Learning Forest (Canarium Pond area) |
Chittagong Wood / Chukrasia tabularis (HT 2018-292) | Hooper Rd Playground, near House No 21A |
Common Pulai / Alstonia angustiloba (HT 2003-36) | Royal Road end, on slope behind House No. 7 |
Common Pulai / Alstonia angustiloba (HT 2007-173) | Temenggong Road, on open land opposite House No. 22 |
Common Pulai / Alstonia angustiloba (HT 2012-187) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, Burkill Drive Carpark |
Common Pulai / Alstonia angustiloba (HT 2012-188) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, National Orchid Garden Forest |
Common Pulai / Alstonia angustiloba (HT 2014-222) | Mount Faber, along Marang trail |
Derum Selunchor / Cratoxylum cochinchinensis (HT 2018-293) | Telok Blangah Green, near Shelter, Meeting Point 1, Carpark 2 |
Earpod Tree / Enterolobium cyclocarpum (HT 2001-11) | Fort Canning Park, along path behind the Fort Wall |
Giant Cola / Cola gigantea (HT 2014-229) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, Orchid Plaza |
Hazel Sterculia / Sterculia foetida (HT 2016-282) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, near Plant Resource Center Shelter |
Hazel Sterculia / Sterculia foetidaa (HT 2019-307) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, National Orchid Garden Nursery |
Horse Mango / Mangifera foetida (HT 2014-227) | Canning Rise, on slope behind SMU School of Social Sciences |
Indian Rubber Tree / Ficus elastica (HT 2012-203) | Duxton Plain Park, near Pinnacle block 1D |
Indian Banyan / Ficus benghalensis (HT 2013-204) | Tiong Bahru Park |
Indian Rubber Tree / Ficus elastica (HT 2010-181) | In front of National Museum of Singapore |
Jamuju / Dacrycarpus imbricatus (HT 2012-191) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, Lawn H (beside HT Marsh Pulai) |
Jelawai Jaha / Terminalia subspathulata (HT 2001-25) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, Rainforest entrance, near Lower Ring Rd |
Jelutong / Dyera costulata (HT 2015-239) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, Rainforest entrance, near Lower Ring Rd |
Johor Fig / Ficus kerhovenii (HT 2012-195) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, Rainforest |
Kapok / Ceiba pentandra (HT 2001-01) | Braddell Road, at Toa Payoh North Flyover Traffic Island |
Kapok / Ceiba pentandra (HT 2005-134) | Seah Im Road, at far end of public carpark |
Kapok / Ceiba pentandra (HT 2008-166) | Upper Seletar Reservoir Park, behind toilet blocks (near Rocket Tower) |
Kapok / Ceiba pentandra (HT 2008-167) | Upper Seletar Reservoir Park, near golf course |
Kapok / Ceiba pentandra (HT 2008-171) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, beside Holttum Hall |
Kapok / Ceiba pentandra (HT 2015-236) | Fort Canning Park, along path beside Service Reservoir |
Kapok / Ceiba pentandra (HT 2020-308) | Railway Corridor (South), between Bukit Merah Lane 4 & Jalan Kilang Barat |
Kapur / Dryobalanops aromatica (HT 2012-192) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, Lawn E (opposite HT Mountain Teak) |
Kapur / Dryobalanops aromatica (HT 2012-193) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, near Band Stand |
Kapur / Dryobalanops aromatica (HT 2012-194) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, Lawn H (behind HT Marsh Pulai) |
Kempas / Koompassia malaccensis (HT 2015-243) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, behind Corner House |
Kempas / Koompassia malaccensis (HT 2016-280) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, near Fernery |
Kepayang / Pangium edule (HT 2014-232) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, opposite Sun Garden |
Leopard Tree / Libidibia ferrea (HT 2017-287) | Esplanade Park, near Connaught Drive |
Leopard Tree / Libidibia ferrea (HT 2018-298) | Mount Emily Park |
Lychee / Litchi chinensis (HT 2001-02) | Mount Rosie Road, opposite House No. 11J |
Madras Thorn / Pithecellobium dulce (HT 2001-04) | Fort Canning Park, along path beside Service Reservoir |
Madras Thorn / Pithecellobium dulce (HT 2001-05) | Fort Canning Park, along path beside Service Reservoir (beside leaning tree) |
Madras Thorn / Pithecellobium dulce (HT 2001-06) | Fort Canning Park, along path beside Service Reservoir (opposite service gate) |
Madras Thorn / Pithecellobium dulce (HT 2001-07) | Fort Canning Park, along path beside Service Reservoir (near HT Kapok) |
Mango / Mangifera indica (HT 2016-274) | Chay Yan St State Land |
Mango / Mangifera indica (HT 2021-319) | Mount Emily Park |
Marsh Pulai / Alstonia pneumatophora (HT 2010-183) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, Lawn H |
Mengkulang / Heritiera elata (HT 2012-196) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, along Lower Ring Rd |
Merbatu / Maranthes corymbosa (HT 2001-30) | Canning Rise, on slope behind Kwa Geok Choo Law Library |
Merbatu / Maranthes corymbosa (HT 2001-31) | Canning Rise, on slope near pedestrian underpass |
Meraga / Adina eurhyncha (HT 2016-281) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, Rainforest (near Visitor Centre) |
Monkey Pot Tree / Lecythis pisonis (HT 2011-185) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, Lawn E |
Monkey Pot Tree / Lecythis pisonis (HT 2013-214) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, between Sun Garden & Dell Lane (left) |
Monkey Pot Tree / Lecythis pisonis (HT 2013-215) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, between Sun Garden & Dell Lane (right) |
Mountain Teak / Podocarpus nerrifolius (HT 2012-201) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, Lawn B |
Nemesu / Rubroshorea pauciflora (HT 2015-245) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, Rainforest |
Neram / Dipterocarpus oblongifolius (HT 2023-325) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, near Swiss Granite Fountain |
Nutmeg Trees/ Myristica fragrans (HT 2015-271 & HT 2015-272) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, behind The Garage |
Nyatoh Puteh / Palaquium obovatum var. obovatum (HT 2012-198) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, behind Raffles Building |
Nyatoh Puteh / Palaquium obovatum var. obovatum (HT 2013-216) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, along Evolution Garden Walk |
Ordeal Tree / Erythrophleum suaveolens (HT 2019-301) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, National Orchid Garden Nursery |
Pauh Damar / Mangifera pentandra (HT 2015-240) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, opposite Sun Garden |
Penaga Laut / Calophyllum inophyllum (HT 2001-20) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, near Botany Centre Auditorium |
Penaga Laut / Calophyllum inophyllum (HT 2003-46) | 31K Pepys Road, outside National Heritage Museum grounds |
Petai Kerayong / Parkia timoriana (HT 2001-17) | Mount Faber, on slope near Marina Deck |
Petai Kerayong / Parkia timoriana (HT 2005-141) | Mount Faber Loop, near road bend opposite Danish Seaman's Church |
Pianggu / Horsfieldia irya (HT 2012-197) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, between Carpark A & B |
Putat Laut / Barringtonia asiatica (HT 2012-189) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, Healing Garden |
Rain Tree / Samanea saman (HT 2001-08) | Fort Canning Park, behind Registry of Marriage |
Rain Tree / Samanea saman (HT 2001-27) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, outside Visitor Centre pick-up/drop-off point |
Rain Tree / Samanea saman (HT 2003-106) | College Green, off Dunearn Road within hostel grounds (NUS) |
Rain Tree / Samanea saman (HT 2003-107) | Spottiswoode Park Road, top of the slope at junction of Spottiswoode Park Road and Everton Road |
Rain Tree / Samanea saman (HT 2003-108) | Istana Ground |
Rain Tree / Samanea saman (HT 2003-109) | Holland Road, near junction with Belmont Road |
Rain Tree / Samanea saman (HT 2003-110) | Irrawaddy Road, on slope facing Ministry of Home Affairs Headquarters |
Rain Tree / Samanea saman (HT 2003-111) | Kim Yam Road Stateland, beside Gambier Court condominium |
Rain Tree / Samanea saman (HT 2005-144) | Jalan Hang Jebat, in front of Block 109 |
Rain Tree / Samanea saman (HT 2005-145) | Everton Road, top of the slope opposite Block 10 multi-storey carpark |
Rain Tree / Samanea saman (HT 2008-169) | Kampong Java Road, Land Transport Authority Headquarter's garden |
Rain Tree / Samanea saman (HT 2009-175) | Tiong Bahru, 8 Lower Delta Rd |
Rain Tree / Samanea saman (HT 2014-228) | Fort Canning Park, near Raffles Garden |
Rain Tree / Samanea saman (HT 2015-270) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, near Learning Forest restroom |
Rain Trees of Connaught Drive (HT 2015-248 – HT 2015-269) | Connaught Drive |
Red Mahogany / Khaya nyasica (HT 2010-182) | In front of Blk 150 Lorong 1 Toa Payoh (Along store front) |
Saga / Adenanthera pavonina (HT 2001-19) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, near Frangipani Garden |
Sausage Tree / Kigelia africana (HT 2013-213) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, near Sundial Garden |
Sea Almond / Terminalia catappa (HT 2017-290) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, Ethno-botany Garden |
Sea Almond / Terminalia catappa (HT 2020-316) | Pasir Panjang Park Carpark, near MRT Station |
Senegal Mahogany / Khaya senegalensis (HT 2013-212) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, along Main Gate Road (near Swan Lake) |
Sentul / Sandoricum keotjape (HT 2020-313) | Clemenceau Ave North, opp. 100 Caveanagh Hse |
Snake Tree / Stereospermum fimbriatum (HT 2013-219) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, along Main Gate Road (opposite Marsh Garden) |
Stem-fruited Fig / Ficus caulocarpa (HT 2019-302) | Open Space, in front of No. 3 Winchester Road |
Tahiti Chestnut / Inocarpus fagifer (HT 2005-138) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, Jacob Ballas Children's Garden (Forest section) |
Tamalan Tree / Dalbergia oliveri (HT 2014-224) | Fort Canning Park, Fort Green |
Tamarind / Tamarindus indica (HT 2008-170) | Fullerton Road, entrance to The Fullerton Waterboat House garden |
Tamarind / Tamarindus indica (HT 2018-295) | Istana, near Nursery car-park |
Teak / Tectona grandis (HT 2014-234) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, near Botany Centre |
Temak / Shorea roxburghii (HT 2013-218) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, along Main Gate Road |
Tembusu / Cyrtophyllum fragrans (HT 2001-26) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, Lawn E |
Tulang Daing / Adinobotrys atropurpureus (HT 2001-22) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, behind Swan Lake |
Terap / Artocarpus elasticus (HT 2001-12) | Fort Canning Park, along 14th Century Walk of History |
Terap / Artocarpus elasticus (HT 2014-223) | Fort Canning Park, end of Canning Rise (near tombstones) |
Terap / Artocarpus elasticus (HT 2015-235) | Fort Canning Park, near Raffles Terrace |
Terap / Artocarpus elasticus (HT 2016-279) | Fort Canning Park, on slope, behind The Foothills |
Thai Bungor / Lagerstroemia loudonii (HT 2023-326) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, behind Swan Lake |
West Indian Locust Tree / Hymenaea courbaril (HT 2003-84) | Istana Ground |
West Indian Locust Tree / Hymenaea courbaril (HT 2014-231) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, Corner House Lawn |
West Indian Mahogany / Swietenia mahagoni (HT 2015-241) | Singapore Botanic Gardens, beside National Orchid Garden entrance |
Yellow Flame / Peltophorum pterocarpum (HT 2005-142) | Within carpark of former Pavilion Wards, near Jln Tan Tock Seng |
Yellow Flame / Peltophorum pterocarpum (HT 2019-306) | Mount Emily Park, near Upp Wilkie Rd roundabout |
East Region
Heritage Tree Names / Reference IDs | Location |
Damar Hitam Gajah / Richetia gibbosa (HT 2003-113) | Changi, Netheravon Road near Bus Stop B06 |
Ficus stricta (HT 2003-72) | Changi, Netheravon Road within CSC @ Changi II grounds |
Ficus stricta (HT 2003-73) | Changi, Netheravon Road within CSC @ Changi II grounds |
Inai Inai / Erythroxylum cuneatum (HT 2003-52) | Changi, Leuchars Road opposite Fairy Point Bungalow 1 |
Jelawai Jaha / Terminalia subspathulata (HT 2003-124) | Changi, Loyang Avenue near junction with Halton Road |
Jelawai Jaha / Terminalia subspathulata (HT 2003-125) | Changi, Loyang Avenue near junction with Halton Road |
Johor Fig / Ficus kerhovenii (HT 2003-65) | Changi, Catterick Road near Fairy Point Chalet 3 |
Johor Fig / Ficus kerhovenii (HT 2005-137) | Changi, Andover Road near Fairy Point Chalet 7 |
Kelat Hitam / Syzygium syzyioides (HT 2003-128) | Changi, Catterick Road in front of Fairy Point Chalet 4 |
Keruing Kerut / Dipterocarpus sublamellatus (HT 2003-49) | Changi, Cranwell Road near junction with Loyang Avenue |
Madras Thorn / Pithecellobium dulce (HT 2016-275) | Marine Parade Rd Park / Playground |
Mango / Mangifera indica (HT 2017-285) | Changi, Netheravon Road, within CSC @ CHANGI II grounds |
Mindanao Gum / Eucalyptus deglupta (HT 2003-53) | Katong Park |
Orange Jasmines / Murraya paniculata (HT 2018-296 & HT 2019-305) | Changi, Andover Road, Fairy Point Chalet 7, beside the BBQ pits |
Penaga Laut / Calophyllum inophyllum (HT 2021-318) | East Coast Park Area F, Bedok Jetty |
Pink Mempat / Cratoxylum formosum (HT 2022-321) | East Coast Park Area C, near Marine Cove |
Red Mahoganies / Khaya nyasica (HT 2001-14 - HT 2001-16) | Guillemard Road Open Space |
Sea Fig / Ficus superba (HT 2003-78) | At Bedok Food Centre Car Park, opposite Eastwood Centre |
Sea Fig / Ficus superba (HT 2008-168) | Junction of Bedok Rd and Upper Changi Rd junction, East Village Car-park (former Changi Complex) |
Sea Fig / Ficus superba (HT 2016-284) | Bedok Rise Stateland, near fence; footpath |
Sindora × changiensis (HT 2003-115) | Changi, Cranwell Road in front of Cranwell Bungalow 1 |
Sparrows' Mango / Buchanania arborescens (HT 2003-45) | Changi, Andover Road, Fairy Point Chalet 6 (Accessible only to Chalet guests) |
Stem-fruited Fig / Ficus caulocarpa (HT 2014-221) | Changi, Hendon Road, opposite No. 35 |
Tempinis / Sloetia elongata (HT 2003-116) | Changi, Andover Road, Fairy Point Chalet 7 (Accessible only to Chalet guests) |
North Region
Heritage Tree Names / Reference IDs | Location |
Angsana / Pterocarpus indicus (HT 2003-103) | Woodlands Road, in front of Woodlands Fire Station |
Common Pulai / Alstonia angustiloba (HT 2022-320) | Singapore Island Country Club (Island Location) |
Horse Mango / Mangifera foetida (HT 2003-90) | MacRitchie Reservoir Park, near Public Utilities Board office |
Jelawai Jaha / Terminalia subspathulata (HT 2022-322) | Singapore Island Country Club (Island Location) |
Longan / Dimocarpus longan (HT 2018-297) | Sembawang Park, near Shelter J, off Toilet 2 & Fitness Corner |
Kapok / Ceiba pentandra (HT 2007-152) | Singapore Zoological Gardens, behind the White Tiger Enclosure |
Kapok / Ceiba pentandra (HT 2007-153) | Singapore Zoological Gardens, behind the Orang Utan Enclosure |
Mango / Mangifera indica (HT 2020-312) | Kranji Close/Kranji Road State Land (opposite junction) |
Ordeal Tree / Erythrophleum suaveolens (HT 2010-176) | Upper Seletar Reservoir Park, on slope behind carpark along Mandai Rd |
Para Rubber / Hevea brasiliensis (HT 2018-294) | Woodlands Town Park East, near Block 103 Woodlands Street 13 |
Pink Mempat / Cratoxylum formosum (HT 2020-309) | Nim Crescent Open Space |
Sea Teak / Podocarpus polystachyus (HT 2017-288) | Sembawang Park, next to Beaulieu House |
Selembat / Syzygium conglomeratum (HT 2020-314) | Singapore Zoological Gardens, on the downward slope adjacent to the Tasmanian Devil Trail |
Tembusu / Cyrtophyllum fragrans (HT 2003-54) | Lagos circle, off Admiralty Road East |
Tembusu / Cyrtophyllum fragrans (HT 2003-55) | Maida Vale, in front of House No. 13 |
Tembusu / Cyrtophyllum fragrans (HT 2003-57) | Lagos Circle, in front of House No. 208 |
Tembusu / Cyrtophyllum fragrans (HT 2003-60) | Lagos Circle, in front of House No. 206 |
North-East Region
Heritage Tree Names / Reference IDs | Location |
Angsana / Pterocarpus indicus (HT 2001-03) | Upper Serangoon Road, near Woodleigh Park |
Binjai / Mangifera caesia (HT 2003-88) | Jalan Naung, behind House No. 70 |
Broad-leafed Mahogany / Swietenia macrophylla (HT 2003-118) | Seletar Aerospace Drive, near Bus-stop B05; Lamp-post 62 |
Broad-leafed Mahogany / Swietenia macrophylla (HT 2003-119) | Seletar Aerospace Drive, near Bus-stop B05; Lamp-post 64 |
Broad-leafed Mahogany / Swietenia macrophylla (HT 2005-146) | Seletar Airbase, West Camp Road near Singapore Youth Flying Club entrance Seletar Aerospace Park |
Broad-leafed Mahogany / Swietenia macrophylla (HT 2005-149) | Seletar Airbase, West Camp Road near Singapore Youth Flying Club entrance Seletar Aerospace Park |
Broad-leafed Mahogany / Swietenia macrophylla (HT 2017-286) | Seletar Aerospace Drive, after Bus-stop No. 5 |
Rain Tree / Samanea saman (HT 2007-161) | Seletar Airbase, open space between Old Birdcage Walk and Oxford Street |
Tamarind / Tamarindus indica (HT 2001-28) | Surin Avenue Park |
Tanjong Tree / Mimusops elengi (HT 2019-304) | Block 137 Lor Ah Soo, Hougang Ave 1 |
West Region
Heritage Tree Names / Unique IDs | Location |
Binjai / Mangifera caesia (HT 2003-86) | Binjai Park, within grounds of House No. 32 |
Brown Woolly Figs / Ficus drupacea of Singapore Polytechnic (HT 2010-178 — HT 2010-180) | Singapore Polytechnic, behind Food Court 1 |
Derum / Cratoxylum maingayi (HT 2020-317) | Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Quarry Road near SingTel Tower |
Kayu Pontianak / Parishia insignis (HT 2013-208) | Hindhede Nature Park, Bt Timah Nature Reserve, along South View Path |
Madras Thorn / Pithecellobium dulce (HT 2008-164) | Linden Drive, opposite LP13, behind House No. 79. |
Margaritaria indica (HT 2014-226) | Yale-NUS College campus, College Avenue West |
Rain Tree / Samanea saman (HT 2007-160) | Upper Bukit Timah Road, in open space opposite Gombak Drive |
Sea Fig / Ficus superba (HT 2003-79) | Nanyang Technological University, in front of Gaia Building |
Off-shore Islands
Heritage Tree Names / Reference IDs | Location |
Angsana / Pterocarpus indicus (HT 2003-100) | Sentosa, Capella Hotel, front lawn) |
Angsana / Pterocarpus indicus (HT 2003-98) | Sentosa, entrance of Shangri-La Rasa Sentosa Hotel |
Broad-leafed Mahogany / Swietenia macrophylla (HT 2003-120) | Sentosa, near Madame Tussauds Singapore forecourt |
Broad-leafed Mahogany / Swietenia macrophylla (HT 2003-121) | Sentosa, near SkyHelix |
Broad-leafed Mahogany / Swietenia macrophylla (HT 2003-129) | Sentosa, near SkyHelix |
Collared Fig / Ficus crassiramea subsp. crassiramea (HT 2013-205) | Pulau Ubin, along Ketam bike trail |
Common Pulai / Alstonia angustiloba (HT 2003-35) | Sentosa, Capella Hotel, Suite B 7103 - 7105 |
Common Pulai / Alstonia angustiloba (HT 2003-37) | Pulau Ubin, Jalan Durian after Pekakak Hut, former Kampong Melayu |
Common Pulai / Alstonia angustiloba (HT 2003-39) | Saint John's Island, Block 12 & 13 |
Common Pulai / Alstonia angustiloba (HT 2003-40) | Sentosa, Mount Serapong (within forested nature area) |
Common Pulai / Alstonia angustiloba (HT 2005-130) | Sentosa, near junction of Imbiah Hill Road / Imbiah Road, beside Siloso Beach Resort |
Durian / Durio zibethinus (HT 2007-154) | Pulau Ubin, in forested knoll off Jalan Batu Ubin behind cemetery grounds |
Ficus stricta (HT 2003-71) | Pulau Ubin, at granite outcrop near Police Post |
Ficus stricta (HT 2013-206) | Pulau Ubin, forest, left side of Jalan Noordin toward NPCC campsite, along fence |
Ficus stricta (HT 2013-207) | Pulau Ubin, roadside, right side of Jalan Noordin toward NPCC campsite, along fence |
Johor Fig / Ficus kerhovenii (HT 2003-62) | Sentosa, near Bkt Manis Rd junction (beside Asian Tours Headquarters) |
Johor Fig / Ficus kerhovenii (HT 2003-64) | Pulau Ubin, within National Police Cadet Corps camp site |
Johor Fig / Ficus kerhovenii (HT 2003-67) | Sentosa, within Future Raffles Sentosa Singapore |
Johor Fig / Ficus kerhovenii (HT 2005-66) | Sentosa, Capella Hotel, outside Room 11 (Garden Villa) |
Johor Fig / Ficus kerhovenii (HT 2007-155) | Sentosa, Capella Hotel, outside Room 27 (Gdn Villa Unit 1) |
Johor Fig / Ficus kerhovenii (HT 2019-303) | Sentosa, Capella Hotel, Room 1 |
Leban / Vitex pinnata (HT 2003-126) | Sentosa, Madame Tussauds Singapore forecourt |
Medang / Litsea elliptica (HT 2005-139) | Sentosa, Serapong Hill |
Neem Tree / Azadirachta indica (HT 2019-300) | Saint John's Island, near village house and jetty entrance |
Nyatoh Puteh / Palaquium obovatum var. obovatum (HT 2003-94) | Sentosa, Imbiah Rd, near Skyline Luge Ticket Booth |
Perepats / Sonneratia alba (HT 2007-162 & HT 2007-163) | Pulau Ubin, near Chek Jawa, from House No. 1 on the right |
Petai / Parkia speciosa (HT 2003-95) | Sentosa, Gunner Lane, behind Ranger Station |
Red-flowered Malayan Spindle Tree / Bhesa robusta (HT 2003-44) | Sentosa, Woolwich Rd (within Satellite Station grounds) |
Red-flowered Malayan Spindle Tree / Bhesa robusta (HT 2023-324) | Sentosa, Resorts World Sentosa forest |
Sea Fig / Ficus superba (HT 2003-74) | Saint John's Island, near water tank |
Sea Fig / Ficus superba (HT 2003-75) | Saint John's Island, Camp site 1 & 2 |
Sea Fig / Ficus superba (HT 2003-76) | Saint John's Island, Block 7A, on slope of hill |
Sea Fig / Ficus superba (HT 2003-77) | Saint John's Island, Former Sepak Takraw Court |
Seashore Mangosteen / Garcinia celebica (HT 2003-81) | Sentosa (former Maritime Museum, restricted area) |
Tanjong Tree / Mimusops elengi (HT 2003-93) | Sentosa, Madame Tussauds Singapore forecourt |
Tembusu / Cyrtophyllum fragrans (HT 2003-58) | Sentosa, behind Madame Tussauds Singapore |
Tembusu / Cyrtophyllum fragrans (HT 2003-59) | Saint John's Island, Block 5 & 8 |
Tembusu / Cyrtophyllum fragrans (HT 2003-61) | Saint John's Island, Block 15 Prison Gate |
Tempinis / Sloetia elongata (HT 2003-117) | Saint John's Island, fencing beside camp site 1 & 2 |
White Fig / Ficus vasculosa (HT 2003-80) | Sentosa, Woolwich Rd (within Satellite Station grounds) |