Brown Woolly Figs of Singapore Polytechnic (3)

Scientific name: Ficus drupacea
Family name: Moraceae |
Singapore Polytechnic, behind Food Court 1 |
The Brown Woolly Fig can grow up to 35 m tall, with abundant free hanging roots. The leaves are elliptic to egg-shaped, and leathery to touch. Young shoots are densely covered with pale brown hairs, turning glabrous as they mature. The figs, subtended semicircular bracts, are oblong, sessile, ripening from ochre-yellow to an orange or dull red colouration.
The Brown Woolly Fig is native to Sri Lanka, India to Southeast Asia, New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Queensland, Australia. In its native distribution, this widespread and variable species has been divided into a number of varieties.
For more information on this species, please refer to NParks' Flora & Fauna Web profile here.