Perepats of Pulau Ubin

Scientific name: Sonneratia alba
Family name: Lythraceae |
Pulau Ubin, near Chek Jawa, Hse No. 1 |
These two large Perepat trees located on the farthest point of the mudflats are the only two mangrove trees in the Heritage Tree Register of Singapore. To survive in the oxygen poor mud, Perepat trees send out pneumatophores (breathing roots) that stick out of the mud, allowing the exchange of gases and helping the trees to 'breath'. It is also believed that to combat the high saline conditions, excess salt is stored in old leaves, which are later shed. Depending on the tide, these two Heritage Trees comfortably spend a fair amount of time half submerged in seawater, a testament to the resilience of trees.
For more information on this species, please refer to NParks Flora & Fauna Web profile here.