Arcadia Road
Starting Point
Ending Point
Just a short drive away from the hustle and bustle of the city centre lies Arcadia Road, a scenic avenue lined with mature Rain Trees (Samanea saman) and planted Small-leafed Oil-fruit (Elaeocarpus mastersii). Enjoy a calming drive as you navigate through Arcadia Road’s green tunnel. Slow down and take in the old civil service residences of Adam Park Estate, a lasting legacy of Singapore’s colonial past that’s nestled amidst the lush forests of the nearby MacRitchie Reservoir.
Before the Pan Island Expressway was constructed, Arcadia Road was a gentle curving track between the neighbouring hills, connecting road users to the numerous country pathways behind the Eng Neo private estate, in the direction of the former Turf Club. Today, Arcadia Road offers both residents and visitors a quiet and peaceful drive under the shady canopy of the majestic Rain trees.